A music box displaying a top-down view of a quaint tavern scene in impressive detail, including a bard strumming the notes of the song played when the box is opened. At will, someone holding the box open can enter the Music Box Inn, a self-contained microdimension where one can enjoy the trappings of a crossroads inn in peace and safety for as long as they wish. To leave, one needs to simply walk out the tavern door and they will reappear standing near the box. While visiting, however, the music box remains where it was in the ordinary dimension where it could be lost, picked up by someone else, or smashed. Who knows what would happen to those remaining in the Inn if this were to occur.
This fine bow was forged out of lightweight steel from a meteorite with magical runes carved into it. The runes start at each tip and pull toward the handhold where they meet. It does not have a string. Instead, a thin beam of sunlight can be seen with dust dancing within its glow. When this “string” is pulled back, the light bow looses it forward as a beam of energy. The Light Bow does not require ammo while exposed to light, however it cannot function without charging in a powerful light source (torches, campfires, etc. are not enough). Once leaving a source of light, the Light Bow has 2 uses of stored light remaining before it is rendered inert. Different sources of light will affect the energy beam released in different ways.
A beautiful, ornately carved crossbow with a complicated reloading mechanism. When using the repeating crossbow, you can fire bolts from it as normal using the Volley move. However, the repeating crossbow is also able to fire bolts rapidly. When you do so, roll+ammo spent (including 0). ◾On a 12+, both. ◾On a 10+, choose one: roll damage twice and take the higher result; add the +area tag. ◾On 1 7-9, roll damage as normal. ◾On a 6-, the mechanism jams and will require fixing before the crossbow can be used again.
After firing rapidly, the crossbow requires time to reload like a normal crossbow.
This massive flail has a head shaped like a hollow, holed cylinder. As it is swung at speed, it makes a loud chugging sound and the air reverberates with heavy pressure. The flail strikes with sonic damage and will stun its foes. The effect of its strike can push the very air itself to harm someone.
This lengthy scroll describes a powerful spell that is mostly complete and understandable only to those who are well-versed in the arcane arts.
When you attempt to perform the spell described on the scroll, Roll+INT. ◾On a 10+, you have successfully cast the spell. Your dimensions - height, width, and depth - are moved from the first through third dimensions and are moved to the fifth through eighth spatial dimensions. This effectively renders you invisible and incorporeal to mortal eyes and magics altering only the base dimensions (most basic spells). ◾On a 7-9, only your depth is ascended to the ninth spatial dimension, leaving your height and width on the first and second as normal. This renders you two-dimensional in the mortal world. You can still be seen and felt, but not from the side. ◾On a 6-, part of you is transposed to the to a dimension of time rather than space. You will not be able to return to the lower dimensions at the time of your choosing, but rather earlier or later than desired. You also return noticeably aged, lower a stat by one, permanently.
This ring is made of a single piece of flawless curving glass with two ends that do not meet. When worn, it hides the wearer’s true position and projects an image of them two feet away in the direction of whatever hand they wear the ring on.
An old but pristine scroll made with velvet-smooth white paper and rollers made from gold with inlaid gemstones in the shape of a purple, bunched flower. Whenever a passage is written on the scroll, it is seared into the memory of the writer: they are unable to forget whatever was written even through magical means. Once copied elsewhere, the writing on the scroll vanishes and the memory acts as a normal one.
A soft and slightly squeezable ball about the size of two fists put together, it sparkles and shimmers like sunlight filtering through the surface of a pool.
When thrown at a surface, the ball will burst and a knee-high water elemental in the shape of an ocean creature emerges. This elemental will understand and attempt to perform any simple tasks given to it, and can reshape its form as needed. If the surface tension keeping it together is ever broken, the water elemental will pop and die leaving behind only an inert puddle.
This simple silver ring has a repeating wave pattern in the metal. When worn, the ring imbues you with the endless endurance of the ocean waves. You do not need to eat, nor do you feel tired. You can ignore the effects of stunned, weak, or sick. However, while worn you cannot be healed by mundane or magical means, and removing the ring requires a defy danger+WIS and the return of exhaustion.
Green-black coral is arranged in layers to make a seahorse vase that comes filled with saltwater. The seahorse rests on its tail when placed on a flat surface.
The Seahorse Vase can continually supply any liquid it has been filled with. Each time after pouring, regardless of the amount, roll a d6. On a 1, the vase has emptied and will suddenly feel lighter. Only once emptied of its prior contents, the vase can be refilled by submersion in any liquid, and it will supply that liquid until it empties again.
This red and black rocket was created by Dwarven alchemist-sorcerers in Ran-Gra-Kham using arts now supposedly lost to time. Its front is in the shape of a fire dragon's burning gaze, with a length of waxed thread acting as its trailing tail.
When you aim the rocket at a target and light its waxed tail, roll+INT. On a hit, the rocket deals b2d12+4 damage to the target (ignoring armor) and anything within Close range of it. On a 10+, choose 2. On a 7-9, choose 1.
*Nothing of value is damaged/destroyed.
*Flames shooting from the rear do not harm you for half damage.
*No one else other than the target and those Close to it are hit by flaming shrapnel.
This fine tea powder is made of long grasses cultivated in the high reaches of Taishi Mountain where the grass is watered directly by the clouds themselves. The dried tea is often kept in a fine stone jar. It can be brewed as a soothing hot tea on cold days or mixed with cool water to make a refreshing beverage during the summer. It tastes bitter and earthy before giving way to an aftertaste of fresh mint. Taishi Mountain grass tea is said to provide clarity of mind, much like a deep inhalation of the cool mountain air that the grass grows in.
When consumed, Taishi Mountain grass tea provides +1 forward to Discern Realities, or it can be used to clear an affection of the mind such as Confused or Stunned.
Everyone knows toads are all poisonous creatures, but somehow they avoid poisoning themselves. Of course, the reason they are able to do so is because of the small stone in their head. This stone has been taken from the head of a poisonous toad and carved to resemble its toadly form. Kept in a pouch pulled shut with a leather thong, this toadstone can be worn as an amulet or kept on one's belt.
The toadstone will absorb the ill effects of any poison inflicted upon the wielder one time before crumbling into pieces.
This round shield is formed to resemble the shape of a roaring tiger's face and is hewn in stripes of gold and onyx. It was forged by Dwarven craftsmen from Ran-Gra-Kham, and presented to the architect who designed the 50-foot walls that surround the land. He has since passed, and this shield was kept in a trophy room within his high mountain sanctuary until it was recently stolen.
When using the Defend move with the Tiger Shield, you may roll+CHA instead of +CON. In addition, add the following to the list of options: Frighten a weakened opponent into running away.
This clear bottle is filled with... ew, gross, don't move it like that. Look at it. How is it doing that? It's disgusting. What is THAT bit? I'm gonna be sick.
Don't drink it, probably.
The front of this hardened leather armor is shaped to look like a grimacing face while the back is covered in "hair" of rattling bones on leather thongs. It has been pierced many times by arrows. A good blacksmith could repair it for 300 gold coins (or 100 coins for materials if you are skilled and do so yourself). When worn while Making Camp, an invisible watcher will take watch for you; the party gains an additional 1d4 hp if they're not interrupted. If a threat approaches, the bones will rattle and scare away the intruder or alert the party as if a 10+ had been rolled.
In addition, the wearer gains +1 hold when Defending, even on a miss.
A curving horn of ivory and gold, carved with a scene of monks meditating under a waterfall of demons and vile things. It has a large crack running through the far end, but seems like it will hold.
When you blow the horn in your time of need, roll+CHA. On a hit, WIS+2 ethereal warrior monks billow forth from the end of the horn and fight alongside you effortlessly. On a 10+, they also bestow some wisdom upon you about your situation, take +1 forward when acting on the information. On a miss, Villmund's warriors find you lacking, mark 1 box in addition to what the GM says. Once 3 boxes have been marked, Villmund's spirit will come to you to collect the horn. He will suggest a course of action to improve your wisdom; if you do so, mark XP.
This blue-green clay is easily altered by hand and can never be hardened. It will attempt to move around in whatever form it is given; if made into a ball it will roll around but if made into a small horse it will gallop instead. It cannot be commanded or controlled, though maybe if you had a way to communicate properly with it...
This grey candle sparkles softly with silver even in utter darkness, although the blinking light is not enough to see by. It is carved into the shape of a huddled person, warped and half-melted from use.
When lit, any intelligent creature in its light will be overcome with an overwhelming sense of despair, though the candle burns down quickly. Those affected are incapable of acting or rationalizing. Offering to blow out the candle counts as leverage for Parley.
Earth Dragons are able to burrow through even the hardest stone as if it were soft clay. This powder is said to be made of an Earth Dragon's body after it was slain, dried in the sun, and ground down. It is chalky and will stick to stone. Natural stone or metal material that it is applied to will be pliable with just your bare hands. One use is enough to coat a wall or dig a deep hole. Small applications such as rolling a sword into a ball of bronze does not require a use.
This short spear is made of a light wood that seems to float lightly in the wielder's hand. Its spearhead is made of copper and crackles with electricity that emits a shifting light.
Pilum Galvanis ignores metal armor. It can be thrown as a javelin, emitting a thunderclap as it instantly moves through any row of foes in a straight line, dealing damage to all of them. Once this ability is used, the spearhead no longer emits electricity and must be recharged by being held aloft in a storm.
This bronze sword seems to have a long, two-handed handle and wide crossbeam for how short and narrow the blade appears to be. It also feels much heavier than one would expect. Gold runes are inlaid along the center of the blade. When gripped with purpose, the blade emits an ethereal white smoke that wisps into a flowing edge - doubling the length and tripling the width of its metal core.
The Indomitable Flame is connected to the soul of the wielder and reflects their inner power - it gains Piercing equal to their CON and +damage equal to their WIS. It also strikes ethereal enemies (e.g., ghosts) as if they were material.
This round shield is made of the finest silvers and appears to have the face of the moon worked subtly into its shine. It was once wielded by the ancient lunar priestess Sareen who passed it to a warrior woman she found worthy after winning the freedom of her queendom.
At the beginning of a dungeon or campaign, roll 1d8. On an 8, the moon is full and the shield emits a strong beam of silver light. It also grants 2 armor instead of 1. On a 1, the moon is new and hidden. The shield is matte rather than having its normal sheen, and the wielder is invisible whenever they are not moving. If the moon's phase is established in the world or scenario due to other circumstances, follow that rather than rolling.
This spear was forged from the steel found in a meteorite. Shaped as a narrowing cylindrical cone rather than having a traditional spear head, it is covered in runes from top to bottom in a repeating, fractal pattern. The spear will adjust itself to the intentions of the wielder and can vary in size from a heavy long spear more than ten feet in length to a thin, very short piercing blade. The spear can be thrown as a javelin; when doing so the user may Volley+STR instead of +DEX. The spear is unbreakable by mundane means.