Series IX: Cyclopolis of the Damned - Chapter III
We join Kimin the Shaman, Uraziti the Spellblade, and Milio the Bard while they investigate a skeleton of a leviathan held aloft by wriggling tendrils. They search for answers that will tell them more about the Vulturelands, but find themselves a little lost. Perhaps they'll get lucky and find their guide!
If the custom moves in this recording are a little different than the end result we made available for listeners, it's because we edited them for improvements as we used them, so don't worry when they don't quite match.
If you enjoy what we do and have the money to spare, please check out our Patreon. Along with our gratitude, you'll gain Discord access and the ability to vote on our upcoming games. In the Patron-only version of this week's episode, we spend more time discussing the custom moves I wrote for this point crawl, as well as the potential advanced moves available for these playbooks, and more!
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