The Chimaera

tabletop roleplaying collective

Filtering by Tag: RPGs

Series VII: The House of Dust and Ash - Chapter XVIII

It’s all or nothing as our adventurers come face-to-face with the mastermind that condemned Jataka to ruination. Twice. Seeing no way out but diving headlong into danger, will our party survive and make it out of the palace? Can they ensure the betterment of Jataka? Let’s find out, in the conclusion to our longest story yet!

Check out our merch!

Series VII: The House of Dust and Ash - Chapter XVIII
The Chimaera

C-Sides: The Skeletons

This week, Nathan, Zach, and J.D. celebrate the coming of Halloween with a one-shot of The Skeletons, by Jason Morningstar. This is a freeform, meditative, and GMless RPG about dead guardians protecting a tomb. Though limited in their awareness due to magic only animating them when intruders are breaking in, the guardians slowly remember their forgotten pasts. This was our first time playing it, and we had an absolute delight with this little game.

We have shirts and stickers available here!

C-Sides: The Skeletons
The Chimaera

Series VI: The Sons of Arahallin - Chapter I

Nulsc, Greeg, and Ozier step foot on the island of the dead cyclopean god Arahallin for the first time, with promise to kill his five sons.

Here, they encounter Laharisfur, whose inherited breath feeds the kiln he mans with myopic attention.

Series VI: The Sons of Arahallin - Chapter I
The Chimaera

Series III - Introduction

We begin our third series with an introduction to the crew of the Scale of Zaffre: Captain Eilis the Priest, First Mate Greig the Ranger (and his weasel companion/puppetmaster Socs), and Nulsc the uhh... well, try not to stare. This series will be one of ramming ships, bloody civil war, and cold, cold waters. Find the moves we'll be using for ships here.

Series III - Introduction
The Chimaera

Series I - Introduction

We're tabletop role-players from the Chimaera RPG gaming group. We'll be recording sessions of Dungeon World in order to share with you all. We'll release a new chapter every Wednesday. Each series will be a standalone adventure set in the same world rather than an overarching campaign - think of them like sword & sorcery short stories. This episode starts off with introducing our heroes for the first story. If you catch a reference to a prior recording, that's because we did record an earlier adventure but weren't happy with the recording quality. Someday we'll release that story. For now, thanks for listening. We hope you enjoy the world we've been building in the Chimaera.
Series I - Introduction
The Chimaera